Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Never Get a Speeding Ticket or Red Light Camera Ticket Again!

Have you ever experienced that sick-to-the-stomach feeling of seeing red and blue lights flashing in your rear view mirror? I have, and let me tell you, it's far from comforting. It doesn't matter how nice the cop inside the impervious police car is, if he caught you speeding, he's not going to let you get away with it.

Crying won't help your case. In fact, if you get a female police officer, she's probably even more likely to ticket you if you cry.

Begging won't get you out of it. Groveling to the police officer might rub his ego, but it's not going to make points with him otherwise.

Arguing DEFINITELY won't get you out of a speeding ticket. The last thing a cop wants to hear from your mouth is any sort of confrontation.

Needless to say, you're not going to get out of your ticket when the cop pulls you over. You might get out of it in court, but only after you've spent a full day waiting your turn in line to dispute the ticket in addition to a couple hundred dollars in attorney fees.

I know exactly how you feel at this point. You feel like you would have done anything to prevent this from happening. It may seem too late for that now, but it's not.

The most important thing to remember when you get a ticket is that you MUST do everything in your power to prevent yourself from getting a ticket again! There are too many financial burdens that attach themselves to getting a ticket that you really can't afford to get more than one.

Let's look at how your finances are affected when you get a ticket:

  • The ticket itself can cost from $80 up to $250 or more, just for speeding alone
  • If you choose to dispute the ticket, you could end up spending over $300 in attorney's fees. If you lose the dispute, you will end up paying that PLUS the cost of the ticket
  • The ticket will be applied to your insurance, which means you lose any safe driver discounts you might currently enjoy, as well as a small percentage increase in your yearly insurance premiums, up to 3 years. Most insurance costs over $1000 per year for car coverage, so even a small percentage increase can total $50 or more per year!
Needless to say, a ticket is not only a nuisance, it's a financial quandary. So it's in your best interests to prevent yourself from getting a ticket again in the future.

But how do you do that? There are quite a few ways to take extra precautions, like not driving so fast and keeping your eyes open for cops on the road, but that's just not enough. What you need is a more reliable and dependable way to drive without worrying every time you see a squad car on the road.

That's why you should consider investing your hard-earned money in a detective device that will alert you to every speed trap, squad car, red light camera, speed photo enforcement zone, and other potential ticketing hazard you encounter on the road - BEFORE it's too late.

For only $9.99 a month
you can receive to-the-second updates while you drive via a GPS or smartphone that you already own. This is the best way to beat a speeding ticket and prevent your insurance rates from rocketing sky-high.

Now you might be asking yourself, is this kind of service legal? The answer is YES, absolutely! In fact, many police departments recommend the use of devices like these that will help you drive more safely and be more alert to driving conditions.

PhantomAlert is the most highly recommended speeding ticket and red light camera enforcement prevention system you can ever hope to own. It's definitely more affordable than getting a speeding ticket, and far less hassle to deal with every day you're driving to work.

PhantomAlert works on the GPS you already own, or you can order a system to install in your car. Either way, PhantomAlert has you covered and is ready to alert you to any potential speeding hazards and red light cameras you will encounter along your route.

If you drive every day, or if you have a history of getting speeding tickets, or even if you've only gotten one ticket and hope to prevent those flashing lights from ever appearing in your rear view mirror again, I highly encourage you to start using PhantomAlert. It will save you so much money on ticket fines, attorney fees, court costs, and insurance premium spikes that you will wonder how you ever drove without it.

You can get your own PhantomAlert system right here at

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